Special Spring Events

Meet the Candidates - Monday, April 28th from 5:30-7:00

Candidates seeking election or write-in candidates seeking election for town office on Tuesday, May 13th are welcome to attend. Each candidate will have 5 minutes to talk and answer questions. Please contact Carolann with any questions. The public is encouraged to attend this event at the library.

Krispy Kreme Donuts are Back!

Stop by the library now till April 29th and pay $15 to reserve your box of Krispy Kreme donuts. The donuts will be delivered on Tuesday, May 13th between 9 and 5, VOTING DAY! All proceeds go towards our playground.

Spring Egg Hunt - Thursday, April 17th at 2:30 pm

Come join us to hunt some eggs in the library! Registration is required. Ages 18 months to 5 years old.

Library Open House - Thursday, April 24th from 2-4pm

We are inviting everyone to come check out the library at a special event. Haven't been to the library in years? This is a great chance to visit and learn about all the different services we offer!

Regular Programs for Everyone!!

Every Thursday morning! We are now offering two different times. Our first one begins at 10:30 and is geared towards our youngest friends, including a simplified craft (18 months to 3 years). Then at 11:30 we will have a few stories and at least one craft designed for the next age up.  Our hour consists of a few stories and at least one craft. All children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver and adults are expected to help us model good listening and learning behavior for our young friends. 

Knitting Group
Join us Thursdays from 12:30-2pm! A great group for both experienced and novice fiber artists! Just starting out? Let the experts give you a guiding hand! Experienced but occaisionally need a little bit of help trouble shooting? Come on by - we always have a regular group of folks who are willing to bounce ideas around. Bring whatever project you are currently working on and relax in a comfortable atmosphere and enjoy. Feel free to call us for more information - or just show up, we're happy to have you!

Pokemon Go Club
Meets every Monday, 5pm and Thursday at 1:00, players must have their own device to play on. All children and adults are welcome. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult. This is a non-competitive fun group; we don’t care what team you are on and neither should you!

Is there programming you'd love to see? A group you'd be interested in leading that needs a meeting spot? Let us know!

Meet Libby

FREE Downloadable Audio Books and eBooks Available Anytime

Meet Libby: ​With Libby, you can enjoy free ebooks and digital audiobooks from your library! All you need is your library card.

Libby is compatible with many different devices - now you can easily read library books on your Kindle, Ipad, smartphone, etc!.

Check out this link for an easy how-to: https://help.libbyapp.com/en-us/6103.htm

If you have any trouble, we are here to help! Bring your device with you if possible and we will help get it set up and give you tips for navigating Libby's search functions.

Commonwealth Catalog

orange icon with blue comcat logo text reads seach statewide for books, cds, dvds & moreCan't find it in the C/WMARS Catalog?
Try ComCat (it is listed at the bottom of the CWMARS catalog home page).

Assist the Library When Shopping At Amazon

When shopping on Amazon your purchases can support the library, at NO additional cost to you!

Just follow this link: 
Wowbrary.org/Amazon Shopping

A portion of your purchase price will go to the East Brookfield Public Library, no matter what you buy.


Volunteer ArtworkPeople who see the library as an integral part of the community.
Local businesses concerned with maintaining library excellence in their community.

What do the Friends do?

Sponsor events like...

  • The Statewide Summer Reading Program
  • An Annual Easter Egg Hunt
  • Halloween Happening
  • The Holiday Raffle
  • Children's Programming
  • Museum Pass Programs
  • Adult Craft Programs
  • Adult Programming and Speakers
  • Book Signings

You're Invited...

…to become a member of the Friends of the East Brookfield Public Library. The Friends work closely with the Library Director and library staff.

We are always looking for volunteers to assist us with our book sale, bake sales and raffle baskets!

Banner Links For Resources

Boston Public Library catalog    Massachusetts Center for the Book    Learn Free    Town of East Brookfield    Museum Passes    New York Times best sellers    Lit Lovers    Spencer East Brookfield Accelerated Reader